The Rail Way To Brunch

Hillcrest is definitely one of the best and hottest neighborhoods to brunch in. So how does a restaurant stand out with such fierce competition? For starters, how about flying in chefs from Vegas to curate a drool worthy menu! I had the pleasure of talking to Chef Chad Brunette, of The Rail ,who has a true passion for the art of creating delicious meals. You can taste Chef Chad's love for food in each of his dishes, OMG especially in the Cajun pork gravy. In an effort to keep my waistline at a manageable level I decided to focus my calories more on food. However, after perusing the cocktail menu I couldn't resist the Mint Chip. It's Stillhouse Mint Chip Whiskey and Frangelico chilled to perfection. It was particularly warm so I decided on refreshing appetizers and I'm so glad I did. Shrimp cocktail accompanied by a caprese salad for the win! Following those simple yet savory bites was biscuits and gravy. The ambrosial Cajon pork gravy takes Chef Chad hours to prepare and after taking the first bite I understand why. It's hands down the best gravy I've tasted in years and frankly I'd extend its use to pretty much everything I eat. And keeping my taste-buds in a state of euphoria was the waffle sandwich. Two waffles bulging with bacon, eggs, provolone cheese, avocado aioli, and served with bacon jam, YES bacon jam! Words can't express just how enjoyable each bite was. In a time when food has become 3-D art and flavors are clashing like Titans, it's nice to have chefs that decide to masterfully present classics by just adding a dash of their passion. The Rail has officially landed in my in rotation of brunch spots!

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