Align With Ally

It's that time of the year when you review what goals you've reached and exceeded as well as those that you just fell short of. In addition, you begin to strategize next year and even update your 3, 5, and 10 year goals. In doing so I've realized that the home ownership goal has now gone from a three to a two year (possibly even sooner). I haven't been this nervous and excited about starting something since the beginning of my business 6 years ago. I've been looking online here and there but nothing really too serious until most recently. Buying a home is a process and even more so if you're a younger entrepreneur. Ally is keeping up with the times by allowing you to do it all online. You get an amazing package to get you started which includes, The Mortgage Playbook. With low rates and even price matching guarantee I can't think of better company to begin this journey with. This is going to be the largest asset purchase to date, which until now has been my Gucci riding boots. Yes, I most certainly consider any Gucci an asset! Stay tuned for more and check them out...